Employer motivates best with ‘unique experience’

- 27/12/2021 -

According to Tim Sackett, an American HR professional who has been in the business for more than 20 years, experiences are the new luxury goods.... Read more

Employer motivates best with ‘unique experience’

According to Tim Sackett, an American HR professional who has been in the business for more than 20 years, experiences are the new luxury goods. Employers would therefore do well to offer their employees “unique experiences” as an extra.

More and more people are sacrificing their free time and paying a lot of money for unique experiences that are different from the normal things in everyday life. Think of bootcamps, marathons, survival holidays … In short, anything where you are challenged both mentally and physically. These experiences, according to Tim Sackett, make us feel good.


“You can buy a new car with your hard-earned money, or you can spend two weeks backpacking in the desert in extreme conditions. What will you remember most and talk about most later? And what would you be most proud of? Experiences are the new luxury goods,” says Tim Sackett.

Employers should therefore respond to these ‘unique experiences’ in order to increase the involvement and loyalty of their employees. A weekly drink after work, a survival team building, a company party that goes on until late hours … These are the things that employees will remember the longest. People often learn more more about their colleagues than they do in the day-to-day work situation.

Unique experience?

How often do you get such a ‘unique experience’ from your employer? According to Sackett, it is not only the team building or after work drinks that are important. A unique experience can also fit perfectly within the employee’s daily activities, but is still just that little bit different from what people are used to.

A training course, a dinner with a client, a business trip abroad, swapping tasks with a colleague for a day, being allowed to attend an important meeting… Unique experiences challenge people to stay focused, to leave their comfort zone and, according to Sackett, this keeps employees involved with the company. Experiences in themselves do not cost employers much, yet they are one of the most valuable extras that can motivate.

Source: Timsackett.com & Express.be

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